MESGA joins Malta Sustainable Development Action Days

Following on from the ambitions of the Malta ESG Alliance (MESGA), members engaged with the community. On the first day of the scholastic year, the 26th of September, MESGA acted as a catalyst for change by forming part of the Malta Sustainable Development Action Days and presented sustainability topics with Malta’s representatives of its future generation. The activity started with MESGA members explaining their tangible initiatives and projects and promised accountability to the students of the Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School in Paola. Discussion ensued to Malta’s building overdevelopment, the extension of product life cycle, composting of waste, recycling initiatives, fast fashion and healthy diets driven by fresh local produce. The enriching activity encouraged further discussion and actions with peers at school and family members at home to motivate change and a transition towards responsible living for impact. MESGA was represented by Mrs Ingrid Azzopardi (GO plc), Mr John Paul Abela (BOV plc) and Mr Glenn Bugeja (HSBC plc) while the Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School was represented by its headmaster Dr Kenneth Vella and assistant head Ms Alexia Brincau.

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